Saint Peter Faber, SJ
(1506 - 1546)
Companion of Ignatius



Saint Peter Faber, SJ on Vatican Scott 1322
VATICAN, 2006, the triple Jesuit Jubilee year, Scott 1322
including the 5th centenary of the birth of St. Peter Faber, SJ

Born at Villaret, Savoy, Peter tended his father's sheep during the week, taught catechism to other children, and desired desperately to study. In 1525 Peter went to the University of Paris, lodged at the College of Saint Barbara, and shared the lodging with Francis Xavier. Both were among the first companions of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ordained in 1534, he was the only priest among them when they pronounced their private vows at Montmartre later that year. He was sent by the Pope first to Parma and Piacenza, and later to Germany to defend the Catholic faith. He was especially gifted at spiritual direction and leading people through the Spiritual Exercises, at which Ignatius thought him more gifted and capable than anyone else. He died in Rome in 1546, was beatified in 1872, and on 17 December 2013, Pope Francis, using a procedure called "equivalent canonization" named Faber a saint. His feast is August 8. More

First Companions  on Begium  personaized label
BELGIUM, 2006, two personalized labels, each se-tenant with Scott 2111
the creations of Roland Francart, SJ, of Belgium,
the first with Konrad Baumeister's 1881 painting of the first vows at Montmartre
showing Faber celebrating the Mass

Saint Peter Faber, SJ and others on Belgium label

Saint Peter Faber, SJ and others on Belgium label
BELGIUM, 2006, two personalized labels, creations of Roland Francart, SJ, Belgium,
for the Jubilee of Loyola, Xavier, and Faber,
showing them with St. Alberto Hurtado, the seal of the Society and a logo of the Jubilee, one se-tenant with Scott 2111
the second se-tenant with a 2007 stamp

Loyola, Xavier and Faber on Belgian personalized label

Loyola, Xavier and Faber on Belgian personalized label
, personalized labels created by Roland Francart, SJ,
for the Jubilee of Loyola, Xavier, and Faber, se-tenant with a 2007 stamp